Monday, April 6, 2009

Configuring mpd.conf

MPD won't work until you tell it where the media files are. You do that by changing the etc/mpd.conf file on the Alix.

But first, you have to create some folders (which will be used by mpd) on the desktop computer :
  • write "cd /home/your_username/music" and press ENTER
  • write "mkdir mpd_music" and press ENTER
  • write "mkdir mpd" and press ENTER
  • write "cd /mpd" and press ENTER
  • write "mkdir playlists" and press ENTER
Then do the configuration of the mpd.conf file :
  • write "ssh -2 -p 22 root@" and press ENTER
  • enter the root password of the Alix
  • write "remountrw" and press ENTER
  • write "jed etc/mpd.conf" and press ENTER
  • change the content of this file according to the example text you find in this post.
  • save the file with "Ctrl+x+s" and quit jed with "Ctrl+x+c"
Then restart mpd :
  • write "/etc/init.d/mpd restart
Finally add the user (the one you entered in the mpd.conf file under "user") to the audio group :
  • write "adduser your_username audio" and press ENTER
  • write "remountro" and press ENTER
  • write "exit" and press ENTER (you exit the Alix)
Now, everything should be configured and working on the mpd server side.